It’s all rosie in the garden

Jo Gardiner and Jacqui Williams of Abbotsfield Funeral Directors, Hereford, were invited to present a Pre-plan Funerals talk to the residents at the prestigious Rose Garden retirement village in Hereford.

Jacqui said: “Both Jo and I were very nervous at the prospect of public speaking but with the residents and staff greeting us so warmly the event was a pleasure to do. There was a slight hesitance from the audience at the start but once they realised we were simply there in an informal capacity to open up discussions regarding pre-plan funerals the questions came thick and fast. At the end many of the residents expressed their thanks for giving them the opportunity to speak about a subject that some of us Brits still consider taboo.

“Although we were concerned this event had the potential to be both morbid and morose we couldn’t have been more wrong, the residents were delightful and yes they wanted to talk. So for those of you who get similar invitations we would say go for it – like us, you may even enjoy it!”